Fridge Cleaning Guide

Countless times, I’ve found this common scenario when cleaning a fridge: 6 ketchup bottles hiding behind every corner, 3 half used mayonnaise jars, 2 fossilized takeout containers, and miscellaneous expired condiments from 1+ years ago.

By the time I’m done cleaning a fridge, it looks like a gnome stopped by to haul off considerable amounts of your perishable food. It’s not because everything gets thrown away, but when you consolidate and organize “like items” together, you’ll find so much more space.

By knocking this task off of your spring cleaning task list, you’ll hit the reset button in your kitchen. Save yourself the headache of fridge decision fatigue andstop waving the white flag every night because you can’t find your food.

Organization and cleanliness in the kitchen is a big hurdle that people face when finding the motivation to cook at home. If you don’t know where things are at, how will you use and consume them? I've got a free resource for you: a step-by-step fridge cleaning guide.

Fridge Cleaning Guide

How to Declutter Your Home AND Your Mind


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