Deodorize Funky Odors in Your Cloth Masks

Itโ€™s been years since we started wearing face masks. I donโ€™t know about you, but a few of my favorite cloth face masks have a lingering odor in the fabric, post wash. It's the worst...because itโ€™s literally in your face.

Itโ€™s totally normal for some fabrics to pick up odors from various places. If you've ever worked in a coffee shop or pizza parlor, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

For a while, a lingering thought has been in the back of my mind (and nose...geeze, things are gettinโ€™ cheeky here): itโ€™s time to deodorize those cloth masks.

Cloth masks have become a regular accessory in many peopleโ€™s lives. But in time, they DO develop unpleasant odors. Whether it's from sweat, food, or other sources, these odors can be off-putting. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to deodorize your cloth masks to keep them fresh and clean. In this guide, we'll explore some tried-and-tested methods to eliminate funky odors from a cloth mask.

Side noteWHY do humans spend SO much more time thinking about doing a task instead of actually doing the task? Ah, thatโ€™s procrastination in true form.

Either we donโ€™t know how to do something, think itโ€™s going to take too much time, or itโ€™s not a priority. If you're like me and have lingering qualms about the odor in one or more of your cloth masks, Iโ€™m going to give you one less reason to procrastinate.

Dive in to learn these easy and effective methods to eliminate unpleasant odors from your cloth masks. Say goodbye to funky smells and keep your masks fresh! OK. Here we go. Hereโ€™s a 5 minute instructional on how to deodorize your cloth masksโ€ฆ

1. Gather

2. Mix

Mix together the following, to make a solution for your masks. Depending on the number of masks you might have, you might decrease or increase the ratios:

โ€ข ยผ cup of dish soap or castile soap
โ€ข ยผ cup of baking soda
โ€ข A few drops of essential oil
โ€ข 6 - 8 cups of water

3. Soak

Place masks in the solution. Hand wash by agitating each mask with your hands. Let soak for minimum of 1 hour or longer.

4. Rinse

Before removing the masks from the soaking solution, agitate each mask with your hands once more. Next, run each mask under the sink to rinse and wring out. You might want to rinse and wring out the masks a few times to ensure all bacteria, dirt, and debris has been removed from the mask.

5. Dry

Let air dry. Youโ€™re all set!

Sunlight & Fresh Air

Lastly, exposing your cloth masks to sunlight and fresh air can also help eliminate odors and kill bacteria. After washing your masks, hang them outside in direct sunlight for a few hours. The UV rays from the sun will help disinfect the fabric and remove any lingering smells. Additionally, the fresh air will help to naturally deodorize the masks.

If You Enjoy Non-Toxic Cleaning Methodsโ€ฆ

With this simple method, you can easily deodorize your cloth masks and keep them fresh and clean for everyday use. This method works especially well if you prefer using natural ingredients like baking soda, non-toxic dish soap, and fragrance-free essential oils. By incorporating this technique into your mask care routine, you can ensure that your masks remain odor-free and comfortable to wear.

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