How to Remove a Toilet Ring Stain

That little ring that gets left behind after you scrub your toilet - what is it and how do we make it go away?

Usually this ring is a stain that’s caused by mineral buildup that floats to the surface of the toilet. The ring forms because there's always standing water in a toilet. Not everyone will experience this. It will depend on where you live and what mineral content you have in your local water. There’s what’s called “soft water” and “hard water”. If you live in an area where your running tap water has a higher level of mineral in it, it’s likely you have “hard water”.

Removing hard water stains can sometimes be hit or miss depending on how long the buildup has been on the surface and the type of minerals.

A common recommendation for this is a pumice stone, however, I’m not a huge fan of pumice stones because they can more easily scratch surfaces. They also are hit or miss when it comes to removing toilet rings. In my 15 years of cleaning houses, I’ve had a high success rate of using drywall sanding screen on porcelain, specifically.

This might be wild to you, but Drywall Sanding Screen is what will do the trick and will get the job done. This the ultimate cleaning hack! You don’t need much of it — maybe a small 2x2 inch square cut of it. 

Glove up and use The Tidy People Sink & Toilet Cleaner to add some scrubbing power. You’ll want to test a small area first, before going to town on scrubbing. Keep in mind, this too can scratch your toilet if you are too heavy handed on scrubbing. Gently work an area with light small scrubbing motions until you notice the ring stain begin to lift. If no scratching or discoloration occurs (other than the color of the toilet), you’re safe to scrub the rest of the toilet ring.

This can work on rust stains on other porcelain such as a sink or tub. *again* always be careful and be gentle to ensure you’re not damaging the surface. Because porcelain is a “porous” surface, meaning it has tiny little pores (that you cannot see), something slightly abrasive and rough edged like this drywall sanding screen will help clean below the top surface and into the pores. It’s like a facial for your toilet! Ew, that’s a weird metaphor. Hahaha — happy scrubbing!



to clean your toilet, try this combo:
🧼 clean the inside of the toilet with The Tidy People Sink+Toilet Cleaner
✨ then, spray The Tidy People All Purpose Spray on the exterior of the toilet
🪥 detail the toilet seat hinges and toilet edging with this grout brush
⚡️ wipe clean with a dry terry cloth towel

Sink + Toilet Cleaner: Cleaning Concentrate

All Purpose Spray: Cleaning Starter Kit
from $20.00

Grout Brush


Mineral Buildup…What is It and How Do I Get Rid of It?


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