How to Clean Your Shower Door

Chances are, you either have a shower curtain or a glass shower door to enclose your shower. Both require maintenance, but the glass shower door can require a bit more effort to keep clean.

If you haven’t tried The Tidy People Shower Cleaner and The Tidy People Glass Cleaner (both are eco friendly, paraben free, phthalate free, chlorine free) these are two products to stock up on, stat! We also have a free resource library that you’ll receive access to when you purchase our products. We’ve got a video that walks you through a step-by-step process of how to clean your shower overall. The glass shower door itself can be a beast however, so I’ve broken down the process for you here:

Supplies Needed

💦 The Tidy People Shower Cleaner
⭐️ The Tidy People Glass Cleaner
🧼 sponge with an abrasive backing
⚡️ hard bristled grout brush
🪣 bucket (if no detachable shower sprayer head)
backflip squeegee or both a scrubber & squeegee
🧺 a big stack of super dry terry cloth cleaning towels

Shower Cleaning Guide
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Shower Cleaning Guide


Firstly, you’ll want to give the interior side of your shower door a good scrub with The Tidy People Shower Cleaner. Generously spray cleaner directly on the door and scrub with the abrasive side of a sponge.  For tight corners and crevices, use a grout brush.


If you have a detachable sprayer head in your shower, use this to rinse the door. Alternatively, you can use a bucket filled with cold water (use cold water: hair and debris sticks to hot water…it doesn’t with cold water).

Rinsing your shower with a bucket can be tricky and there’s an art to it. You’ll want to use a tactic I call “the waterfall effect”. Fill the bucket with water and then quickly flip it sideways and suction the bucket to the top portion of the shower door. Slowly release water and move bucket side to side, dispersing the water and rinse the shower cleaner off. 


Remove water off of the interior door with a squeegee.


Generously spray glass cleaner on the interior side of the glass shower door. Using the backflip squeegee, scrub it with the scrubber piece. Follow up with the squeegee to remove glass cleaner.

The goal is to remove as much glass cleaner as you can with the squeegee. Dry any remaining bits of glass cleaner with super dry terry cloth cleaning towels.

Repeat this step for the exterior side of the glass door.


Depending on where you live or how often you clean your glass shower door, it’s possible that you have mineral buildup that’s occurred on your shower door. You can try steaming the door with a try a high heat steamer or using a product that helps remove hard water stains.

Shower Cleaning Guide
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Shower Cleaning Guide


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