How to Reframe Self Limiting Beliefs and Create Achievable Goals

I had the opportunity to speak with Anne Frazier live on Instagram today. Anne is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in self worth.

In my first monthly home empowerment talk at The Tidy People, Anne and I spoke on the topic of reframing self limiting beliefs and breaking unwanted habits.

A simple reminder: behind our actions and behaviors is our mindset. Meaning, for every action that you take, there’s a thought or a series of thoughts that creates this action. Us humans come with an array of complexities and unique experiences that create our own personal belief systems.

Sometimes we create in our minds what’s called self limiting beliefs. Self limiting beliefs can create ideas in our minds that say: “I’m not good at that”. Or, “I’m not capable”.

Perhaps you’ve created a situation for yourself that looks like this:you have a belief that you’re not good at keeping a clean home. And so the dishes pile up, the dust bunnies have taken over the undersides of the furniture, and the piles of clothes on the floor might all validate this self-limiting belief. The overwhelm of the large task at hand creeps in and instead of breaking this down into smaller bite sized achievable tasks, you look at the whole thing and throw in the proverbial towel.

I know I’ve been there before with many other situations in my life before, resulting in self limiting beliefs that's created blocks. It isn’t until we take a moment to pause and ask ourselves, am I really not good at this thing or am I just reinforcing this self limiting belief?

We do have our strengths, in which our brains operate best in specific situations. We can often approach a situation from different angles to get to the same results more effectively, efficiently, and bring more joy.

What this requires is consistently showing up for yourself on the daily to understand how you work best, chipping away at a bigger goal in increments, and mastering your mindset.

We talk about home improvement, but why aren’t we talking about home empowerment? Empowerment is intrinsically tied to our actions and the things we implement or don’t implement into our daily habits and routines.

Looking to simplify your home cleaning practice? Try The Tidy People whole-home cleaning system. These 5 products are almost everything you need to clean your entire house.


How Cleaning is Symbolic of Life Transformations


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